Thursday, October 2, 2008


i have a lot of feelings that are rubbing under my skin and are about to come into the real world.
I think something really good is going to happen, but first something really bad, or something big, or something not at all, and I'm just being dramatic.
I am ready to go to school, and to stop going to work. 
I'm listening to Black Dice, I wish I could be a rock star.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

drawings from eastbound I-80

these are some drawings that I did in the car coming home from California. AMERIKA IS WEIRD
There is so much land in this country that is open, and the mountains and the sky and the rivers and the farms... It is so overwhelming to me, because I'm always stuck in these little boxes of cities, which I like. Me and my mom, and me and pat would stop in little towns and eat lunch, and it was always so foreign to me. 
I stopped at a truck stop, where there is a gas station, a store a diner a subway, bathrooms, candy store with home made fudge and taffy, it was all in one place. The lady behind the counter called me "sweetie". 
The waitresses knew the names of the  customers, and I always wonder if that is something that I would really enjoy. I don't know.
Deeth Starr Valley?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

travelling series

this is series about a relationship, where communication is finally resolved.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Round 2

"in the arctic"
"slowly morning"
'Brrgrr Knng"
"pulling teeth"
"I am yours"

Catch Up?

"Rupert Wrinkle"
"Emily is"
"Baby Feet"
"Family vacation"
here are some older things, more later.

Catch Up?

I guess I'll post a new drawing everyday. I can start with some that I did in the past.